Qi Chen Lab News



2025.2 We publish a two-stage activation hypothesis explaining how abnormal small RNA biogenesis spark autoimmune diseases via small RNA-TLR7/8 interactions in Trends in Biochemical Sciences

2024.11 Qi gave a talk at the tRNA conference 2024, showing how RNA modifications reshape tsRNA structure and function

2024.9 Qi gave a keynote lecture at the EMGS 2024 meeting, discussing the function of sperm RNA code and emerging tools to decode it.

2024.9 Glad to publish with Shenglong Zhang lab on Mass Spectrometry-Based direct Sequencing of RNAs in Journal of the American Chemical Society, which enables de novo and quantitative mapping of multiple RNA modifications. Exciting times ahead.
2024.8 Our collaborative work with Bruno Di Stefano lab on P-body RNAs and myeloid leukaemia is published in Nature Cell Biology
2024.8 We have our NIH/NICHD R01 grant renewed, will continue exploring RNA and RNA modification-mediated epigenetic inheritance

2024.6 We discuss how sperm mitochondrial tsRNAs sense paternal diet and influence son's health through embryo development in Nature; Qi did a interview in Nature about the momentum of sperm RNA-mediated epigenetic inheritance research & our previous work in Science 

2024.4-5 Qi gave seminar at University of Florida, and conference talks at ASA 2024 and NATW 2024, forging new collaborations. 

2024.3 Qi gave talks at SOT 2024 and SRI 2024 conferences, great to connect with old and new friends.
2024.3 We publish with Xuemei Chen lab on the discovery of proteins controlling NAD+ cap of RNAs in

Nature Communications, there are so many more to discover in RNA modifications & termini.


2023.11-2024.1 Qi gave seminars at UCSC, Caltech and The Scripps Research Institute on RNA-mediated epigenetic inheritance and the emerging new tools to study the expanding universe of small RNAs.

2023.10 Qi and Paul Schimmel lab discuss in Molecular Cell the exciting era of 'tRNA renovatio'—a rebirth of tRNA function through fragmentation and tsRNA biogenesis.

2023.9 Qi and Tong Zhou discussed the emerging functional principles of small RNAs from a structure-centric view, beyond linear targeting, published in Journal of Biological Chemistry
2023.7 Dr. Junchao Shi landed a faculty position at Chinese Academy of Sciences
2023.7 Qi discussed methods in sequencing tRNA/tsRNAs at the Epitranscriptomics: Methods, Technologies, and Innovation Symposium
2023.6 Qi gave a talk at the 13th International Symposium of Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases on our new exploration of RNA modification, structure and functionality of tsRNAs
2023.5 Qi blogged an reflection about Truth Evolves Over Time, contemplating the upcoming changes in the status of small RNA research
2023.4 Dr. Chen Cai join our lab as a Postdoc researcher
2023.3-4 Qi gave talks at the NIH/NIEHS and University of Illinois Chicago about sperm RNA code and epigenetic inheritance

2023.2 We published a commentary paper explaining how ancestral BPA exposure drives 3D genome memory for transgenerational inheritance of obesity in Nature Revivews Endocrinology

2023.1 Qi gave a Keynote lecture at the IETS 2023 annual meeting about our data & thoughts on 'sperm RNA code' and epigenetic inheritance; the lecture is associated with a commentary paper published at Reproduction, Fertility and Development 


2022.12 Exciting to announce that Qi Chen lab will moving to University of Utah School of Medicine starting Feb 2023
2022.12 Jiancheng Yu joined Qi Chen lab as graduate student.
2022.9-11 Qi gave seminars at Ohio State University, University of Georgia, and University of Texas at San Antonio discussing recent progresses of mammalian epigenetic inheritance and the expanding universe of regulatory small RNAs
2022.8 Bailong land a faculty position and will establish his lab at Lanzhou University
2022.8 Qi participate on the Burroughs Wellcome Fund-John Templeton Foundation roundtable discussion on solidifying the field of Epigenetic Inheritance

2022.6 Qi gave a talk at the 28th tRNA conference on our new exploration of RNA modification, structure and functionality of tsRNAs
2022.5 Qi participated in the NHGRI/NIEHS RNome workshop on capturing RNA sequence and transcript diversity, highlighting the use of PANDORA-seq and MLC-seq in discovery of small RNAs & the systematic mapping of multiple RNA modifications

2022.4 Our review & thoughts on exploring the expanding universe of small RNAs is published as cover story in Nature Cell Biology 

2022.4 Qi received confirmation of Tenure and promotion to Associate Professor, effective on 07/01/2022
2022.2 Qi gave seminars at UT Southwestern & USC on 'sperm RNA code' and the new exploration of tsRNAs and rsRNAs


2021.11 Yunfang Zhang land a faculty position to establish her lab at Tongji University

2021.11-Xudong has passed his PhD Thesis Defense
2021.8-10 Qi gave seminars at NC State University, UIUC & City University of Hong Kong on 'RNA code' in epigenetic inheritance & diseases
2021.6-Junchao has passed his PhD Thesis Defense

2021.5-Qi gave a Keynote talk at GECKO Conference 2021 on sperm RNA code and epigenetic inheritance, Junchao gave a talk introducing SPORTS and PANDORA-seq for improved small RNA identification and characterization.

2021.5-Our new review/opinion article on the origin and evolving functionalities of tsRNAs is now online in Trends in Biochemical Sciences

2021.5-Junchao and Qi gave talks in Keysone eSymposia; and Qi gave a talk at 8th Helmholtz Diabetes Conference as HeIDi nominee.

2021.4-our new paper reporting a RNA-seq method PANDORA-seq, which expands the small RNA world by overcoming RNA modifications, is now online in Nature Cell Biology. Read our twitter digest and News story.

2021.2-3 Qi gave zoom talks at New York University, Caltech, Baylor College of Medicine, and NIH P50 center on the role of sperm RNA code in mammalian epigenetic inheritance.


2020.11-We contribute to the development of a "diease RNA code" using tsRNA/rsRNA/ysRNA for lung cancer diagnosis in Molecular Cancer

2020.8-We obtain a NIH/NIEHS R01 grant to study how the 'sperm RNA code' respond to environmental stressors in epigenetic inheritance

2020.8-Our new paper on Small RNA modifications & Alzheimer's disease is online in Neurobiology of Disease

2020.5-Our Preview paper discussing the interplay between ROS and sperm-mediated epigenetic inheritance is online in Molecular Cell

2020.2-We wrote a News & Views to enhance the concept of human "sperm RNA code" under acute sugar diet in Nat Rev Endocrinol
2020.2- Qi gave a talk at AAAS 2020 on the exciting session of the dynamic RNA Modifications in disease and environmental response.


2019.11- Qi is recognized as a Highly Cited Researcher - 2019 by Web of Science, humbly honored to be on the list. 

2019.7-8 Qi gave talks at SSR 2019, SDB 2019Epigenetic inheritance Symposium 2019 & CRUK Manchester, great to meet old and new friends!

2019.6-Our opinion paper discussing the concept of 'sperm RNA code' in programming offspring phenotypes is now online in Nat Rev Endocrinol !

2019.5-Qi gave a talk at GRC-Germinal Stem Cell Biology meeting and presented our new data on the function of modified tsRNAs.

2019.3-Our opinion paper on the expanding repertoire of hereditary information carriers for epigenetic inheritance is online in Development !

2019.3-Qi gave a talk at SOT 2019 on environmental stressor-induced epigenetic inheritance and the role of sperm RNA & RNA modifications

2019.2-On Feb 1st 2019, Qi Chen lab moved to University of California, Riverside !


2018.12-We are happy to contribute to the new paper published in Cell showing symmetry breaking driven by heterogeneous LincGET since 2-cell mouse embryo - a demonstration of our previous bioinformatic/mathematic prediction in Development !

2018.11-Our paper with Dr. Yongsheng Liu commenting on 150 years of Charles Darwin’s Pangenesis theory is now online in Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol !

2018.10-11-Qi gave talks at 3rd ISEMHH, 5th Conference of Frontiers in Reproductive BiologyNIBS and ShanghaiTech University.

2018.10-Our Forum paper summarizing tsRNAs/tRFs' acrobatic ways in translational control is online in Trends in Biochemical Sciences

2018.6-Our paper of sperm RNA/Dnmt2 -mediated intergenerational transfer of metabolic disorder is highlighted by Nat Rev Endocrinol

2018.5-Kudos! Congratulations to Xudong  & Junchao Shi for receiving the Berner Scholarship, and to Maya for receiving the Edwards Biology Scholarship & Goldwater National Scholarship Nominee, and to Yunfang for receiving the Ray Wu Prize! So proud of you all!

2018.5-2018.5-Our new Perspective with Zernica-Goetz Lab on mammalian embryo symmetry-breaking is published in Nature Communications !

2018.5- SPORTS1.0: our bioinformatic tool with Zhou lab for analyzing tsRNAs/rsRNAs is published in Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics !

2018.4-Our fantstic team work reporting Dnmt2 is required for sperm small RNA-mediated epigenetic inheritance is online in Nature Cell Biology !
2018.4- Qi Gave seminars at NIH/NIEHS and UC Riverside discussing latest advances in sperm RNAs and RNA modifications.

2018.3- Qi Gave a talk at Wellcome Genome Campus, great meeting for discussing cutting-edge science and meeting with friends!


2017.11- Qi gave a talk at CSHA-RNA Modifications & Epitranscriptomics, about new data on sperm RNA modifications, structure & function.
- Qi gave talks at University of Cambridge & Rank Prize symposium on sperm RNA-mediated epigenetic inheritance.

2017.8- Our Research Highlight on Martienssen lab’s work about tsRNAs' role in mammalian retrotransposon control is online in Cell Research

-We get an R01 grant from NIH/NICHD to continuously study Sperm tsRNAs and RNA modifications in diet-Induced epigenetic inheritance!

2017.6- Qi gave a talk at Gordon Research Conference-Germinal Stem Cell Biology on sperm RNA-mediated epigenetic inheritance.

2017.5- Congratulations Maya for winning the Nevada Undergraduate Research Award & INBRE Undergraduate Research Program!

2017.4- Welcome Dr.Menghong Yan to join us as visiting professor!

2017.2- Qi gave a CMBAG seminar at The Scripps Research Institute , a great visit to inspire and to be inspired.

2017.1- Our commentary paper on epigenetic game theory in gamets & early embryo is now online in Physics of Life Reviews



2016.11-Our review paper with Lowe lab on small RNA modifications is now online in Trends in Molecular Medicine

2016.10-Qi gave a talk at the 4th SKLRB Symposia on Reproductive Biology, its great to be there and back again.

-Our review paper with Dr. Yan & Duan on sperm RNAs and epigenetic inheritance is now online in Nature Reviews Genetics

2016.9-Qi attend the 2016 tRNA Conference and gave a talk, learning new stuffs in this old but facinating field, and the meaning of “Learning is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance”. 

-Welcome Maya Pahima to join us as an undergraduate volunteer!

2016.8-Qi gave a talk at the Mammalian Reproduction - Gordon Research Conference, great meeting for discussing science & meeting friends.

-Our commentary paper on the topic of molecular carriers of acquired inheritance is now online in Environmental Epigenetics.

-We obtained a 1 year, $50,000, Pilot Grant from University of Nevada School of Medicine, with a focus on Single-cell RNA-seq analysis of AQP3-expressing cells in urothelium.

2016.7-Welcome Kristopher Alighchi to join us as an undergraduate volunteer!

2016.6-Our review paper on sperm RNAs and epigenetic memory get accepted in Nature Reviews Genetics!

2016.5-Congratulations to Yunfang Zhang to get funding support from CSC as visiting student, we look forward to your arrival in Reno!

2016.4-Congratulations to Junchao Shi, Xudong Zhang and Ying Liu to get admissions of our CMB graduate program as PhD students, we look forward to your arrival!

-Our paper reporting the involvement of sperm tsRNAs in epigenetic memory of acquired traits received good attentions from the community, and was highlighted in journals including Nature Reviews Genetics, Cell Metabolism, Cell Research, FASEB JournalBiology of Reproduction and Science Bulletin, in addition to other multimedia news reports.

2016.1-Our paper entitled "Sperm tsRNAs contribute to intergenerational inheritance of an acquired metabolic disorder", is published online in Science on the last day of 2015! Qi Chen was interviewed by Science, the contents of which was included in an Editorial Story published in Science on the first day of 2016.



2015.10-Our paper on early mammalian embryo symmetry-breaking is published online in Development, accompanied with an Editorial Highlight.

2015.10-Qi Chen moved to University of Nevada School of Medicine, Reno NV. Qi Chen Lab opened in the sunshine of Nevada, on October 1st, 2015.